In recognition of his merits was SGL. decorated in 1928 by the President of the Republic with the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ.
In 1935 he received the rank of Grand Officer of the Order of the Empire. In 1950, the Head of State awarded him the Grand Cross of the Order of Public Instruction. In 1957 she was promoted to the rank of Grand Cross of the Order of the Empire. In 1964, at the end of the Henrique Commemorations, the President of the Republic awarded him the insignia of Honorary Member of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator. Finally, in 1983, in the one hundred and eightieth year of relevant services to Science and Culture, SGL was awarded the Military Order of Sant’Iago da Espada. SGL also holds the Order of Five Stars from the Brazilian Geographical Society.
The decorations awarded attest to the prestige and value of the activities that SGL has carried out over the 149 years of its existence.