This collection has been built up over time, through private and institutional gifts, some acquisitions by purchase, or even through exchanges with other scientific institutions. In 1903-1904, when the SGL was only 28 years old, a cartographic exhibition was organized, the catalog of which already showed the vast collection that existed at the time.
SGL itself published some cartography in the 19th century. This collection has already been the subject of a detailed study, which not only looked at the cartography itself, but also the related written documentation.
A digital edition entitled Tesouros Cartográficos da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Cartographic Treasures of the Lisbon Geographical Society) was organized in 2002. For this edition, some of the most representative handwritten cartographic documents have been chosen. It includes the Atlas attributed to Giovanni Agnese. XVI, Atlas by João Teixeira, century. XVII, Roteiro by André Pereira dos Reis, also from the 17th century. XVII and a collection of topographical plans of Portugal from the 17th century. XVIII.
In general terms, the cartographic collection, made up of more than 6,000 documents, can be described as follows:
- Printed cartographic documents – 5 207
- Handwritten cartographic documents – 345
- 2-D graphic documents (views and perspectives) – 500
The Atlas collection is distributed as follows:
- Atlas manuscripts – 6
- Printed atlases – 377