
Article 1 – The Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, founded on 10 November 1875, continues to be a civil society for the study, discussion, consultation, cooperation and scientific and patriotic propagation, constituted and operating, for an unlimited time, under the terms and conditions of Portuguese Laws, under the same name of «Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa»

Article 2 – (Summary) – The purposes of the Company are:

  • The study and knowledge of geography in its various branches, principles, relationships and progress;
  • The study and special knowledge of Portuguese geography, history and ethnology;
  • The development of scientific relationships and permutations, and the representation of Portugal, in the international movement of work and study cooperation, especially as it matters to the geographical sciences;

Article 3 – (Summary) – The Company carries out its purposes:

  • Admitting, bringing together and incorporating into it, under the conditions of the Statute, national and foreign individuals who can and want to cooperate and contribute to the social ends:
  • Constituting and maintaining in its headquarters certain commissions and permanent sections composed of individuals recognized for their special aptitudes, circumstances or knowledge to study and consult the various matters that matter to social purposes;
  • Making, promoting or assisting sessions, conferences, lectures, congresses and free courses in which to study, discuss, clarify and expose any subjects or documents that, in essence and in form, conform to its character and are important to its purposes;
  • Making, promoting or assisting the publication of scientific works in harmony with its social purposes, and, especially, of a Bulletin, destined to collect and make recognized the works of the Society and any others of that nature;
  • Keeping and developing correspondence with similar institutions, with scholars and, in general, with any national and foreign institutions and individuals, for the good and interest of Science, the Country and Society.
  • Organizing, conserving and developing a Library, mainly composed of books, maps and other documents that are important for social purposes, as well as obtaining scientific material, and especially geographical, for study and common work;
  • Organizing, conserving and developing museums and collections of objects of scientific, industrial, commercial, artistic or commemorative interest;
  • Cooperating and representing itself in national, international and foreign congresses, conferences and undertakings of recognized interest for Science, for the Country or for social purposes;
  • Commemorating or promoting and assisting the public celebration and commemoration of events or individuals that have honored Science and the Country, and, in general, contributing, by all means consistent with its character and purposes, to stimulate and strengthen , in the sphere of Laws, the feeling and tradition of solidarity, independence and national pride;
  • Granting or promoting the granting of prizes and honorary distinctions for services relevant to Science, the Country or Society;
  • Proposing or offering for consideration by the Public Authorities any observations, exhibitions, projects, opinions or votes within their competence.

Article 12 – The Head of State is the Protector of Society, and, as such, its President of Honor